Note: It is currently not possible to set up a new VyprVPN Cloud instance on Digital Ocean due to Digital Ocean having removed the ability to create new instances using Ubuntu 16.04.
Below you will find instructions for deploying VyprVPN Cloud on a DigitalOcean droplet. If you are struggling with Digital Ocean, we recommend using the AWS setup.
1. Create a DigitalOcean account or log in to an existing account here.
2. Click Create Droplet. Fill in the settings outlined below:
- Select an image: Ubuntu 16.04.X x64
- Choose a size: The $5/mo (1GB RAM, 25GB SSD) plan is the minimum recommended droplet option for VyprVPN Server.
- Choose a datacenter region: Any region you like.
- Select additional options: Check the box for User Data. Copy the contents from this link and paste them into the text box.
- Add your SSH keys: Choose whichever SSH key you want to use for access to the root user on the host SSH. You can also skip this option and use the root password Digital Ocean will email to you to log in as root. If you need assistance setting-up SSH Keys, you may follow Digital Ocean's instructions here.
- How many Droplets?: Typically this will just be 1, but you can deploy multiple Droplets with the same configuration if you choose.
- Choose a hostname: Give your droplet a name.
3. Click Create. This process will take a few minutes, as DigitalOcean is setting up the server and running the script you added to User Data while setting up your droplet. The script installs VyprVPN Cloud on the droplet.
4. Once the droplet is created, you can access the web admin panel by entering in your server's public IP in your browser's address bar. Packages will still be installing, so you will likely see the installation progress the first time you access it immediately after creating the droplet.
Note: The VyprVPN Cloud install process will take several more minutes. The admin panel will not be reachable until it has finished.
5. You are now ready to configure VyprVPN Cloud! Head over to the web admin setup article if you wish to configure it via the web admin panel, or the CLI setup article if you wish to configure it via command line.
If you need any further assistance, please contact our 24/7 Customer Success Team, who would be glad to assist.