Credit card
If payment fails with a credit card and you aren't sure why, contact your credit card company. They are likely to have information about the failed payment attempts. Please note that customer support is not able to provide the reason your payment is failing.
Some issues that can cause payment declines with a credit card are:
- Insufficient funds - Verify that there is enough credit to make the payment.
- Incorrect billing information - The billing information must match the information on your credit card account.
- Declined transaction by the issuing bank - You may need to contact your bank to allow payments to Golden Frog.
- Expired Card - Verify the expiration date of your card.
- In the case of prepaid credit card or gift cards, it's best to register it online first before use. If you have issues with the registration, please contact the card issuer for the prepaid card.
If you're having trouble making a payment with PayPal, please ensure the following:
- Your PayPal account is verified.
- You have both a source of payment and a backup source of payment.
- Your account is set-up to remit payment in the correct currency.
Because banking laws vary from country to country and different banks verify purchases in different ways, you may need to contact PayPal or your bank to determine if there are any issues blocking your payment and you have tried to remit payment and it continues to fail.asdf
App Store Payments
If you need any further assistance, please contact our 24/7 Customer Success Team, who would be glad to assist.